Concur Partner Uniglobe and Qlik

When integration between two partners makes T&E management easy

Qlik needed to find a solution to a travel and expenses (T&E) process that was fragmented, time-consuming and that didn’t give the reporting insights that were needed.

Concur, and their travel management partner, UNIGLOBE, provided just the simple and streamlined answer the company was looking for.

The best part of this success story, which Qlik reveals, is the value of the Concur Partner Program. Concur and their trusted partners combine solutions that offer:

  • Bottom line savings
  • Seamless application integrations
  • Improved employee productivity
  • Rapid ROI.

Concur is in the lead with T&E technology. There are lots of solutions out there but nothing really hits the spot like Concur does.

Kelly Nicholls, Global Program Travel Manager, Qlik






Berkshire, UK


Concur Travel
Concur Expense

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