Travel and Expense

Employees Value Flexibility, Safety When They Travel

SAP Concur |

More business travelers at small and midsized companies are ready to take to the road this year, saying it’s critical to building relationships and careers. And while many of those travelers see budgets holding firm to an extent not seen at larger businesses, they know economic uncertainty is affecting how they travel at the same time safety and flexibility are among their top concerns. 

  • 67% report they’re very willing to travel this year, vs. 54% last year, with 95% saying they are at least somewhat willing to go on the road in the next 12 months. 
  • 30% see travel budget cuts or freezes as a threat to travel, while 46% list health and safety concerns as top concerns. 
  • 48% expect their companies to let them break from travel policy to ensure their safety.  

Those are among the key findings and observations in the 2023 SAP Concur Global Small to Midsize Business Travel Report, produced in partnership with Wakefield Research and drawn from a global survey of 1,103 travelers from companies with under 1,000 employees and 547 travelers from companies with 1,000 or more employees. 

Learn What Business Travelers Say About Traveling 

Get the report to learn more about what employees at small and medium-sized businesses are saying about travel and how they’re companies are reacting. 

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 Compared to those at larger businesses, these travelers report some key differences in how their organizations are handling tighter budgets and higher travel costs. And those differences are ones companies might want to weigh, as business travelers who seek flexibility with bookings and other choices are expressing a willingness to refuse trips if policies won’t bend to reflect safety or other concerns. 


Juggling Safety Risks and Budgets 

More than a third – 34% – of these business travelers say the most common cost-control step they’ve seen is their organizations putting them in lower-quality accommodations. Larger companies, on the other hand, are more likely to go with fewer overnight trips and focus on lower air fares and tighter use of business and premium class seating. Lodging and safety issues are top of mind for travelers, with nearly 6 in 10 saying they’ve changed accommodations in the past year because of perceived risks, and 23% reporting they felt in immediate danger on a trip. 


Balancing Flexibility and Control 

Concern about safety is just one factor driving travelers’ desire for flexibility with booking and other travel choices. Health, work-life balance, and personal values also come into play. Overall, 94% of travelers working at businesses with travel policies expect to be able to make choices that go outside company policy. And 93% are willing to say no to a trip that conflicts with their needs, values, or preferences. The desire for flexibility and the actual habits of travelers – 49% book directly or via other avenues outside their system vs. 41% using Concur Travel or other online tools – can complicate the challenge for businesses trying to track their costs and their travelers.  


Gain Insights into Where Travel Is At 

Read the report for more details on how travel is evolving at small and medium-sized businesses and how those organizations are responding to tighter budgets and today’s business environment. 

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